Many of you may remember the inimitable, oddly consonant, but pounding sharp shrill of sound uttered in the movie "Dune"... what power! This veritable plexus of sound emanated by will, by intent, with ardent purpose. Such a display of aural bombardment left me breathless and elated. The action and subsequent result communicated clearly, and without a written text and punctuation and words, those relentless structures - man honed - as representations of things, actions, people, places, ideas, feelings.
Today's world, especially our current technologically riddled world, requires representations for meaning even though such structures as words, letters and sentences evolve or devolve. Text language comes to mind (tlctom ?). Our communication seems to demand that we afford it far less time and space and place in our interaction. Sad, I think.
Recently, I sent a text (yes, I do text) to a friend entirely for the purpose of confirming a lunch meeting. With intention, my text was full text, complete words and sentences, and in the style of Shakespeare's English. I thoroughly enjoyed engaging the written word, even as I swyped my way through the missive sent through what ether exists. Received, the response was similar, although not quite as lengthy.
Pray tell, what could have possibly initiated these ideas? Actually, it was an "in person" conversation with several people once my class was dismissed. We shared the same area, felt the same wind, exchanged ideas in an unspoken arrangement of familial banter. It was refreshing. No lights were blinking at me to check e-mail; no vibrations jolted me to attention to see if there were any small, yellow smiley faces wishing me a peachy day. We went our separate ways, knowing we would have another chance to think aloud with full words, gestures, intonation, subtexts and all that we have the power to do through voice.
A number of my entries have to do with teaching. This one is definitely in line with the others. Those students who understand and embrace more fully the power of their voices are those I suggest I remember more fully, and often are those who wish to engage in learning more fully by engaging multiple senses.
There's more to this; I just know it. I'll get back to you.
To the small band of voiced "spice miners" with whom I conversed this morning, I thank you.
Today's world, especially our current technologically riddled world, requires representations for meaning even though such structures as words, letters and sentences evolve or devolve. Text language comes to mind (tlctom ?). Our communication seems to demand that we afford it far less time and space and place in our interaction. Sad, I think.
Recently, I sent a text (yes, I do text) to a friend entirely for the purpose of confirming a lunch meeting. With intention, my text was full text, complete words and sentences, and in the style of Shakespeare's English. I thoroughly enjoyed engaging the written word, even as I swyped my way through the missive sent through what ether exists. Received, the response was similar, although not quite as lengthy.
Pray tell, what could have possibly initiated these ideas? Actually, it was an "in person" conversation with several people once my class was dismissed. We shared the same area, felt the same wind, exchanged ideas in an unspoken arrangement of familial banter. It was refreshing. No lights were blinking at me to check e-mail; no vibrations jolted me to attention to see if there were any small, yellow smiley faces wishing me a peachy day. We went our separate ways, knowing we would have another chance to think aloud with full words, gestures, intonation, subtexts and all that we have the power to do through voice.
A number of my entries have to do with teaching. This one is definitely in line with the others. Those students who understand and embrace more fully the power of their voices are those I suggest I remember more fully, and often are those who wish to engage in learning more fully by engaging multiple senses.
There's more to this; I just know it. I'll get back to you.
To the small band of voiced "spice miners" with whom I conversed this morning, I thank you.