Thursday, September 11, 2014

I am different, not less. Temple Grandin A commentary on language diversity

     What a simple, yet grand assertion: "I am different, not less," and one I find most provocative. I live in the halls of academia, surrounded by colleagues and a multitude of students. One might think teaching the same material year after year would be boring, monotonous, draining. Not so. The material has a sense of stability, especially works that have been in our shared canon for centuries There is always an undiscovered nuance in a verse or line or story that is birthed before me, providing a continuous process of discovery and exploration. Such an evolution of meaning in a text may be the result of a more contemporary, and even more accurate translation; however, more often than not, I am the one who changed, grew, evolved, or shifted perception.

      These thoughts are to provide a backdrop for ideas in reference to the quotation, "I am different, not less." My amazing students come in to the picture here. Each semester brings a new group of students to each of my classes. The material, even if the same, has a new life through the perspectives and filters of these diverse groups of people. Often, they catch me off guard with their questions and comments. I have become increasingly comfortable with my mouth hanging open, eyes glazed over, having no idea what to say. Eventually, something will click, affording me a response or a question in return. "I don't know" works quite well too!

     With sadness, I confess that students have experienced devaluation in their educational experiences due to their differences. A pivotal example is language, especially apparent when teaching English composition. The ability to write and communicate clearly in Standard American English is the "standard" or benchmark for such classes, and understandably so in consideration of its use in professional and academic settings.

     Yet, all too often I hear horror stories of students' language styles, dialects, regionalisms, colloquialisms, being dismissed in the classroom as "less than," or wrong or bad. These various language styles have clearly been adequate, or it is doubtful these students would have made it to college. Adequate is fine. Adequate works. Adequate keeps you alive.

     Language patterns, whether  a Southern drawl, popular slang, ghetto, hick, country, polished and redundant, you name it (and my students do!), such differences are part of our identity. I suggest that choices of words for communicating fit well quite if matched appropriately with your listener.

     In one situation, I may say, "I'm fixin' to go," yet another might require, "I must prepare to leave as I have class in a few minutes." Both work. Knowing when to use a language style is vital. Knowing more than one style is essential in today's world. I encourage students and anyone to celebrate that vibrant part of identity that is language; consider the Standard as yet one more style to learn; it will serve you well.

     One last note: after having this discussion in class one semester, I asked my class to tell me one new idea or concept they were taking with them from class. One young lady raised her hand, and with a radiant smile, eyes passionate, "I learned that the way I talk is okay! It isn't a bad thing!"

     A valued student can be a student. Quote me on that.

      Ya'll have a good day, you hear!

Most cordially yours,

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Am I still here if a tree falls in the forest?

Something like that. Such a wonderful question and pondered by many. Its answer may be anecdotal or analytic, depending on the person so engaged. What about that tree? Is a tree actually dependent on me or some other creature in order to make a big crashing sound when it falls? Personally, I hope not. There is certainly plenty to be said for being a catalyst for change, thought, hope, and new perspectives. Seeing new light shine through a student's eyes or even a smoldering light finally give up the ghost is an amazing moment. A basic, "Ohhhh, I get it" is auditory euphoria.

Being such finite creatures, just what all do we not know or realize about ourselves? At what point might one decide to not be in the forest with a tree; not be in the forest; listen to the tree or not; listen and not care; go to a different forest? It appears much has to do with perception, more self to self revelation and owning permission to be authentic even when our authenticity is so different from the person we have "demonstrated" to the world for so long.

At this point in life, the energy it requires to be fully "not me" is not worth it.  At what point does one choose to "chunk" all the social conventions and the old scripts of "Be good" in order to be honest? I am an avid believer in the positive good of social convention as long as we realize we have chosen to follow said conventions.

How many of us have learned such superb masking skills that if others knew us fully, they would likely be shocked or horrified or perplexed or amused even. Are there consequences (one might say results or effects since "consequences" does connote a sense of guilt or shame or retribution - at least in my world) to such authenticity? Actually, being more authentic may be just the ticket for a pleasant journey while on this massive earth ship.

I hear my Daddy in the back of my mind..." 'Nuff said."
Thanks for reading. More later.