Saturday, May 4, 2013

Embracing shadow, difference, living loudly...

     It's Saturday in May, and the weather is well....cold? Who knew? Whatever the reason, it certainly makes a person stop to think and possibly realize that not everything lasts forever, or things do change, and we can get used to differences or change our perceptions of those differences. 
     Differences can create discomfort or possibly intrigue. I'm not real sure what creates "that" difference even, although possibly it is the threat of insecurity. Such bodes the question, "What is security?" and why does lack thereof create such angst in us? What part of our humanity or is it our humanity itself that is threatened? Does such question my existence or worth possibly? If what I have always trusted turns out to be a distant shadow of a finger puppet, then what do I do? Guess start to love finger puppets more, or maybe shadows. 
     Shadows are intriguing, aren't they? Shadow's need light to exist. Shadows need light to exist. That was worth repeating. So, light creates shadows? Isn't light that which symbolizes good and truth and full exposure? Maybe shadows aren't bad, just dark. Just dark. Sometimes we don't want to be seen, so dark is good. Light can make us vulnerable, so we hide. Is your darkness my darkness or your light my light? 
     I have learned of late that greeting my shadow, my shadows, can be a good thing. My shadow self teaches me a lot about who I am. I find I'm not perfect - go figure. I find I'm getting older, white hair slowly integrating itself it this once black mane, and I do face mortality. 
     I find that my truth and my thoughts and opinions don't match those of everyone else, and that expressing such, while frightful, perplexing, and aggravating at first, brings me into light - my light, and thus my own sense of security. Truth does set me free. So, maybe less shadow boxing and more shadow hugging? Hope your shadow keeps you warm today.  
     When it comes to shadow, and embracing it, awareness of my shadow is a must. I share with you a recent find on YouTube - an incredible jewel of truth and exposition of dark that absolutely brings  shadow and light together, dancing through struggle, pain, joy, insecurity and to safety.  


  1. Glad to find your site, Tim! Yes, embracing the shadows is the place to find our wisdom, our brokenness, and our humanity. Poetry is one excellent path to explore those shadow lands.

    1. So good to hear from you! Yes, poetry - writing in general has continued to grow in its importance to me. The power of the word amazes me more and more. One word spoken or one word written has so much potential to the point that awareness of a word's power, once released, bodes the need for caution and a careful craftsmanship. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. A powerful insight, Tim, and one with which we've wrestled through the ages--"Did He who made the Lamb make thee?" ("The Tyger", William Blake). We easily offer praise for the light, for the joyous, for the refrehing, the attractive. However,a mature faith also gives thanks for the shadows, the pain, the mysteries, the conundra. The shadows give us opportunities to die to self and stretch our faith and grow in order to serve others and further the kingdom. I love Dr. Angelou's examination of how the shadows made the world go 'round for others. So poignant and so true. What a beautiful perspective!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello to you Greenink; I suspect we are acquainted although I have not made the connection just yet.
      Thank you for your most cordial and articulate response. I agree with you entirely, and especially appreciate how you have woven faith into the response, affording more validity and reality to our day to day humanity as lived through faith. Thank you. Peace.

  3. Hey Tim! I didn't know you were a writer! Nice blog and I love Maya Angelou!! I have only been blogging since I conceived and I wrote about my entire journey through pregnancy and all 10.5 months of Arianna's life :D ... When she turns 5 yrs old, I am going to turn it into a book so Arianna can read it and see all about her journey too :D ... It's all of her appointment, milestones and things like that. I have 1 other blog but its about my sister when she was on drugs real bad but thankfully she is clean now, almost 5 years now and she just graduated college with a degree in child Psychology.
